Business Plans - Concept to Working System

Go-Tube is moving forward with building out its web site and getting ready to build its first 1:20 scale model as it works through phase 1 of its five phase program to build the full system.

Five step Plan:

  1. Build a 1:20 scale model, web site and store. Propose Vancouver-Seattle-Portland route
  2. Promote and develop the Go-Tube, gather sponsors and collaborators, crowd-fund for step 3.
  3. Build 1 mile long full size Go-Tube, sell tickets and demonstrate 0-100mph-0 at 0.3g, 0-200mph-0 at 1g.
  4. Secure rights of way, partners, financing for step 5
  5. Build full size

It is thrilling to see efforts such as Hyperloop Technologies moving forward, testing and building its Hyperloop design. Its wonderful that SpaceX is actively promoting development through initiatives such as the SpaceX Hylerloop Pod Competition. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is an admirable enterprise to build the Hyperloop.

Go-Tube continues development of its design which offers a transparent tube which manages thermal stress ensuring dimensional stability and 100 meters or more between supports.